How to Install Nginx on CentOS 7: 4 Easy Steps
Nginx is a high performance web server software. Many big brands like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo! and LinkedIn prefers Nginx over Apache and any …
Rajesh Rai is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer and a Digital Marketer. I'm the founder of SAATATYA, Content MarkUp, Sharestrap and Website Vidya. I've helped 100+ businesses grow online.
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Nginx is a high performance web server software. Many big brands like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo! and LinkedIn prefers Nginx over Apache and any …
Vim Editor is considered as one of the best terminal based text editor for Linux. It is an improved version of good old Vi Editor. Many great features like …
The 403 Forbidden error is the most common error encountered while working on Nginx web server. But most of the time, it is not related to Nginx itself. 403 …
Nano text editor comes up with many powerful features. It allows you to create and edit various files on your Linux based computers or server. It is considered …
Nginx is one of the most popular web servers. It is responsible for serving some of the largest websites and web apps on the internet. In this guide, we’ll …
Have you ever wanted to add widget area below header in Genesis child theme? I was reading some article on the Forbes website. I loved the fact that how they …
Are you looking to add next previous post navigation links in Genesis? Many other brand themes include this feature by default. But if you are using Genesis …
Do you want to embed SVG in the WordPress website? Learn how to upload SVG to WordPress effortlessly with 3 simple methods. Enhance your website with …
Git is an open-source version control system that facilitates GitHub activities on your computer. Here is the Git Cheat Sheet for quick reference purpose. …
This tutorial enables you to display featured image in Genesis Child Themes. We all know that images are extremely important for enhancing the appearance of …
A permalink structure is very important for any website. It affects the ranking of any website in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). If the permalink structure …
Are you looking to create a job board website like UpWork or Freelancer? This article covers a simple guide on how to create a WordPress job board website. …
WordPress displays a toolbar at the top of every page by default. Whether you are viewing your website’s admin dashboard or any page, you will find this …
Are you tired of searching for free stock photos online? It can be extremely difficult to find. A large portion of the stock photo market is owned by companies …
What does 413 Request Entity Too Large Nginx Error Mean? A 413 Request Entity Too Large Nginx Error occurs when a request made on a client-side by the visitor …
MongoDB is a free and opensource No SQL database written in C++ and used in modern web application development. This tutorial will give you a great …
This guide covers how to get royalty free stock photos with Google. “A picture worth thousand words”. So it is very important that you use the right image to …
Photoshop is the mother of all software’s. It is undoubtedly one of the most powerful software but also intimidating application. It has made our work so …
This tutorial covers step-by-step how to install PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu. PHPMyAdmin is a web-based application that provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to …
This tutorial covers easy to follow guide on how to secure Nginx server with Fail2Ban on Ubuntu Server. While controlling the functioning of a web server, it is …
This guide covers an easy to follow, step-by-step guide on how to install Nginx on Ubuntu 18.04 LTE, 16.04, and 14.04. While writing this tutorial I used Ubuntu …
This tutorial covers an easy and step-by-step guide on how to install LAMP Stack on Ubuntu. While writing this tutorial, I used Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTE though …
LEMP stack is a group of software and LEMP is an acronym and it describes a Linux operating system, with Nginx web server, MySQL as a database and the dynamic …
Are you looking to cut your server cost and host multiple websites on Ubuntu server with NGINX? This tutorial is for you. If a server has enough resources, then …