How To Install Nginx on Ubuntu 24.04: Easy Steps
Nginx is a powerful and widely-used web server known for its speed, scalability, and ability to handle high traffic with ease. It serves as an excellent choice …
Learn website deployment techniques for your static and Dynamic website on various VPS like Digital Ocean, and Linode using LAMP Stack and LEMP Stack.
Nginx is a powerful and widely-used web server known for its speed, scalability, and ability to handle high traffic with ease. It serves as an excellent choice …
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to install Certbot on Ubuntu 24.04 Nginx to obtain a free SSL certificate and configure it for automatic renewal. Let’s …
How to find a file in Linux from the command line? The powerful find command is your go-to tool for searching directories or the entire file system. This …
Compressing files and folders is a common task in Linux, and Ubuntu and Debian users can leverage the powerful zip command for this purpose. So, how to zip a …
In this article, we will understand this error type, explore the causes and provide a comprehensive guide on how to fix the HTTP 415 error and resolve this …
This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing Apache, allowing you to host websites and serve web content on your CentOS 7 server. …
Are you looking to upgrade your PHP version to the latest PHP 8 on CentOS 7? In this guide, we will walk you through how to install PHP 8 on CentOS 7 | RHEL 8. …
URL redirects play a crucial role in managing website traffic, preserving SEO value, and enhancing the user experience. If you’re new to the concept of …
Experiencing a 408 Request Timeout Error can be extremely frustrating. HTTP status code starting with 4XX is the client-side error code and 408 request timeout …
LAMP Stack is a group of open source programs that work together to enable a server to host dynamic websites or web applications. LAMP represents Linux …
WordPress is one of the most popular CMS out there. It powers more than 30% of all websites on the internet. Moreover, it’s an open-source program and is …
LEMP Stack is a group of open source programs that work collectively to enable a server to host dynamic websites or web applications. LEMP represents Linux …
The 403 Forbidden error is the most common error encountered while working on Nginx web server. But most of the time, it is not related to Nginx itself. 403 …
Nano text editor comes up with many powerful features. It allows you to create and edit various files on your Linux based computers or server. It is considered …
MongoDB is a free and opensource No SQL database written in C++ and used in modern web application development. This tutorial will give you a great …
This tutorial covers step-by-step how to install PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu. PHPMyAdmin is a web-based application that provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to …
If you look at the WordPress support forum, there are thousands of people are facing this issue “Error Establishing a Database Connection” both on …
While web browsing, you must have noticed websites returning 502 Bad gateway NGINX error. It is really frustrating to keep seeing this error again and again. …
If you have a large website setup or a server with limited resources, 504 Gateway Timeout Nginx Error can be seen quite often. It means that a server upstream …
I personally had this 502 Bad Gateway Error issue on my website. This is the most frustrating error I have ever experienced while using NGINX with PHP5-FPM. …
If you are a WordPress user and getting an error that says “Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MYSQL extension which is required by …
How to run XAMPP and IIS together on the same machine? Well, working together on both IIS & XAMPP can really be a tricky task for beginners. The main aim of …